Personal Injury Blog

4 Reasons Why a Personal Injury Lawyer May Not Take Your Case in Alabama

Being injured in an accident can have long-term consequences. Some accidents result in minor injuries that heal in a few weeks. However, other personal injury accidents can result in permanent impairments. Victims may be unable to work for months. Some accident victims may be unable to work again. Regardless of the severity of your injuries,… read more

Consequences of Using Your Cell Phone While Driving in Alabama

Using a cell phone while driving is one of the most dangerous forms of distracted driving. A driver who is using a cell phone is not giving his full attention to the road. Just a second or two of distraction is enough time for a deadly car accident to occur. Alabama Cell Phone Use Laws… read more

Are Hidden Nanny Cams Legal in Alabama?

Leaving your child in the care of another person can cause stress and anxiety. How do you know that your child receives the care and protection he or she needs? Is there a way to monitor the caregiver to ensure that your child is not mistreated while you are away? The invention of nanny cams… read more

Is it Legal to Drive Barefoot in Alabama?

Driving a car barefoot is legal in Alabama as it is in all 50 states. However, that does not mean that it is a good idea to go without shoes while driving a car. Driving barefoot can be dangerous in some situations. However, driving a motorcycle while barefoot is illegal in Alabama. According to Section… read more

When Should I Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer in Alabama?

Being injured in an accident can be a traumatic life event. A victim often deals with severe injuries and financial losses that can be overwhelming. Insurance claims adjusters can add another layer of stress and anxiety for a victim. Claims adjusters are interested in settling an injury claim as quickly as possible for the least… read more

What Happens if I Don’t Show up for Jury Duty in Alabama?

Many people view jury duty as an inconvenience. People miss work and need to rearrange their schedules to accommodate jury duty. In some cases, they may lose income because they serve on jury duty. However, jury duty is one of the most important obligations that Americans have as citizens of the United States. The United… read more

What should I do if my child was hurt in a car accident in Alabama?

Car accidents send more than 2.3 million people to hospital emergency rooms across the country every year, and traffic crashes continue to rank among the leading causes of death for young Americans. Driven by their parents, grandparents, friends, and neighbors, children are too often the victims in dangerous crashes and are made to suffer the… read more

What are the minimum car insurance requirements in Alabama?

All vehicles in the state of Alabama are required to be covered by auto insurance. This law exists to protect people if they are involved in an accident, in which case the insurance policy would provide compensation for property damage, medical bills, and more. However, there are many options when it comes to choosing auto… read more

FDA Approval Does Not Always Mean A Device or Drug Is Safe

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is an agency of the United States government which is charged with – among other things – the responsibility for protecting public health by ensuring the safety and effectiveness of drugs and medical devices placed on the market in our country. If the FDA is doing its job, why… read more

Should I see a doctor if I was involved in a car crash?

In 2017, there were 6.4 million car accidents that occurred on American roads. In some cases, the drivers and passengers involved in those accidents were able to walk away from the crash unharmed. But nearly 1.9 million people suffered injuries requiring medical care, time away from work, and lifestyle changes. While it’s common for adults… read more