Warning Signs of Nursing Home Abuse and How to Protect Your Loved One

Choosing a nursing home for your loved one is a decision driven by the desire to ensure their physical, emotional, and financial well-being. However, even in what are considered the best facilities, incidents of abuse and neglect can occur. It’s crucial to remain vigilant and be aware of and able to recognize the warning signs of nursing home abuse and neglect in order to protect your loved one from harm. Here are some strategies to use:

  • Make regular visits, including “unannounced” visits, so that the nursing home staff won’t always know when to expect you;
  • Talk regularly to the patient’s actual caregivers as well as the supervisory staff to find out about potential issues, incidents, and problems;
  • Talk to your loved one about how their care has been going;
  • Look for any signs of abuse on their body (see below);
  • Consider installing a hidden camera that you will record what happens while you’re not there and/or that you can access online (might not always be feasible);

Warning Signs of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

Being aware of the following indicators can help you detect potential abuse or neglect affecting your loved one:

Physical Indicators of Nursing Home Abuse: Unexplained Injuries and Health Changes

  • Unexplained injuries: Such as bruises, open wounds, or burns.
  • Unexplained weight loss: Not attributable to a medical condition or medication.
  • Unexplained confusion: Mental state changes that are not medically justified.
  • Broken bones: Physical trauma indicative of mishandling.
  • Bedsores: Lack of movement or care leading to skin ulcers.
  • Frequent infections: Recurrent health issues due to inadequate care.
  • Contraction of a sexually transmitted disease: Signs of inappropriate contact.
  • Dehydration or malnutrition: Insufficient food or fluids provided.

Behavioral and Environmental Warning Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

  • Mood changes: Behavioral shifts such as withdrawal or agitation.
  • Evasiveness or unresponsiveness: Staff avoiding or deflecting questions.
  • Poor hygiene: Neglect evident in personal care.
  • Dirty clothing or bedding: Hygiene standards not maintained.
  • Changes in medication: Modifications without proper medical approval.

Safety and Supervision Concerns

  • Wandering or elopement: Lack of supervision leading to unsafe wandering.
  • Falls: Accidents due to inadequate monitoring or care.
  • Missing property: It’s not unusual for nursing home staff to take jewelry, money, and other belongings from the patient.

Taking Action When Abuse or Neglect is Suspected

If you detect any of the warning signs of nursing home abuse or neglect, immediate action is crucial:

Immediate Steps to Take:

  • Seeking medical attention: Ensure your loved one receives prompt medical care.
  • Reporting to authorities: File a complaint with the Alabama Department of Public Health.
  • Remove the patient from the nursing home: If you suspect that there is the threat of repeated or ongoing abuse, GET THE PATIENT OUT OF THERE!
  • Consulting a legal professional: Contact a nursing home abuse lawyer promptly to discuss your loved one’s legal rights and options.

Seeking Legal Assistance

A Mobile nursing home abuse lawyer can provide essential guidance and support in determining what happened and ensuring your loved one’s safety. They can also help pursue compensation for any injuries suffered due to abuse or neglect in their nursing home.

Let An Experienced Attorney Answer Your Questions About Nursing Home Abuse in Alabama

Since 1952, attorneys with the Lattof & Lattof law firm have been helping victims of nursing home abuse, as well as all other types of injury and accident cases. It would be our pleasure to review your nursing home abuse case with you and discuss your rights, remedies and options. Get in touch with us now for a FREE consultation, either by calling our office at (251) 432-6691 or filling out an online request form [link]. We’d be delighted to represent you and your loved ones and help you to obtain the compensation you deserve.