Most Dangerous Roads and Intersections in Mobile

Most Dangerous Roads and Intersections in Mobile

Mobile, AL is home to more than 182,000 people. So, it’s no surprise that some of the state’s most dangerous roads and intersections are in Mobile.

If you’re injured in a car accident in Mobile, AL, it’s important to seek immediate legal advice from an experienced personal injury attorney.

Make Lattof & Lattof, PC your first call. Our compassionate team is here to help you in any way that we can.

What Are the Most Dangerous Roads in Mobile, AL?

Fender benders and fatal car crashes can occur on any road in the City of Mobile. According to the Alabama Department of Transportation, however, most of the region’s accidents on one of the following streets or highways:

  • Airport Boulevard
  • Dauphin Island Parkway
  • University Boulevard
  • Cottage Hill Road
  • Interstate 10
  • Interstate 65
  • U.S. Route 90

Did you recently suffer an injury on one of these dangerous Mobile roads? Then please do not hesitate to contact the experienced lawyers at Lattof & Lattof, PC. We might be able to use our detailed knowledge of state law to help you claim some much-needed compensation.

What Are the Most Dangerous Intersections in Mobile, AL?

Auto accidents occur at busy intersections in Mobile just about every day. However, for motorists who wish to stay safe on the road, it is essential to know where the region’s most dangerous intersections are located. To find the answer to this question, State Farm surveyed each high-traffic junction in the state of Alabama.

The auto insurer analyzed the number of crashes that occurred at these intersections and gave each one a danger index.

Their study found that the following intersections are the most dangerous in Mobile:

  • Airport Boulevard and University Boulevard (Danger Index of 1,393)
  • Airport Boulevard and Azalea Road (Danger Index of 1,082)
  • Cottage Hill Road and University Boulevard (Danger Index of 973)
  • Airport Boulevard and Hillcrest Road (Danger Index of 831)
  • Airport Boulevard and Cody Road (Danger Index of 760)
  • Cottage Hill Road and Hillcrest Road (Danger Index of 738)
  • Azalea Road and Cottage Hill Road (Danger Index of 628)

What makes these intersections so dangerous? In some cases, the heavy traffic they receive is to blame. In others, poor street planning is the main reason why they see so many crashes.

These busy junctions have one thing in common, though. They all receive a large number of fatal and injury-causing accidents every year.

The Mobile personal injury lawyers at Lattof & Lattof, PC, have spent many years helping drivers who suffer injuries in crashes at these dangerous intersections to recover compensation for their medical expenses. As such, we know what it takes to win cases of this nature. If you would like to have our team go to battle for you, all you need to do is give us a call or contact us online.

Common Causes of Car Accidents on the Most Dangerous Roads and Intersections in Mobile

Once one has identified Mobile’s most dangerous roads and intersections, it is natural to wonder what causes the accidents that happen on them. In most cases, one or more of the following factors is at fault:

Did you get into an accident at a dangerous intersection because another driver blew through a red light? If so, an experienced car accident lawyer from Lattof & Lattof, PC, might be able to help you recover compensation. Contact our law office in the city of Mobile to arrange a free consultation. We’d be glad to discuss how we can assist you during this difficult time. 

Common Injuries Sustained in Collisions on the Most Dangerous Roads and Intersections in Mobile

When the people of Mobile get into car and truck accidents on dangerous roads and intersections, they can suffer a wide range of injuries – many of which can leave them in a great deal of pain or force them to live with a disability.

Some of the most common injuries caused by crashes of this nature include:

People who suffer these injuries often require surgery, and many years of physical or occupational therapy. These treatments are not cheap – even for families with excellent healthcare coverage. As a result, it is not at all unusual for the victims of these types of car crashes to incur thousands of dollars in medical bills.

Whether your collision caused you to sustain a broken arm or a damaged spine, you can always rely on the team at Lattof & Lattof, PC, to help you battle for compensation. Our attorneys have the industry experience and statutory knowledge required to handle even the most complex personal injury cases. Contact us today to begin your legal journey.

Compensation Available to Mobile Car Accident Victims

Whether you’re a bicyclistpedestrian, or motorist, you can potentially be compensated for your injuries after an accident in Mobile, AL. The amount of compensation that can be awarded depends on a variety of factors, such as:

  • The fees associated with the victim’s initial medical treatment
  • The cost of the victim’s rehabilitation and ongoing care needs
  • The amount of time the victim missed from work
  • The effect the victim’s injury will have on their future career
  • The cost to repair or replace the victim’s vehicle and other property
  • The mental anguish the victim endured because of their injury
  • The impact the victim’s injury will have on their overall quality of life
  • The limits on the at-fault motorist’s auto insurance policy

People who suffer injuries that leave them with long-term health problems and prevent them from continuing their careers typically receive the most sizable payouts.

When our attorneys represent injured motorists, we almost always pursue damages for their:

  • Medical bills
  • Rehabilitation expenses
  • Ongoing care costs
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of future earnings
  • Property damage
  • Mental anguish
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

If our client’s injury occurred because the other party acted maliciously, an award of punitive damages might also be on the table. 

Deadline for Filing Car Crash Lawsuits in the State of Alabama

Most personal injury lawsuits filed in the state of Alabama are subject to a two-year time limit.  This means that when a Mobile driver gets into a collision on a dangerous road or intersection, they must usually sue the at-fault party within two years of the date of the crash.

You’ll lose the ability to recover compensation if the statute of limitations expires before you act.

Lattof & Lattof, PC, can help you preserve your rights and work to maximize your financial recovery. Call our law office in Mobile, AL to schedule a time to discuss the details of your case today.

How Lattof & Lattof, PC, Can Assist with Your Car Accident Case

Hiring a skilled Mobile personal injury lawyer from Lattof & Lattof, PC can help to protect your health and your financial future in the aftermath of an accident on a dangerous road or intersection. We can assist you with your case by:

  • Reviewing the details of your crash and assessing your damages
  • Answering any questions you may have during the legal process
  • Taking care of the administrative side of your lawsuit
  • Providing you with astute legal advice at every stage of your case
  • Launching an independent investigation into your accident
  • Helping you understand your potential legal options
  • Consulting with relevant experts about the intricacies of your case
  • Identifying the person or business that is liable for your damages
  • Helping you understand how the Alabama legal system works
  • Devising an effective strategy for your auto accident lawsuit
  • Speaking with the other party’s insurance company on your behalf
  • Searching for evidence that might prove the defendant’s liability
  • Negotiating a settlement with the other party’s insurer
  • Representing your best interests in court, if necessary

Are you ready to have a skilled car crash lawyer from Lattof & Lattof, PC, help you fight for the compensation you deserve? Then please reach out to our law firm today to set up a meeting with a member of our team. We have been fighting for the residents of Mobile for years, and we are more than ready to do the same for you.

Injured on One of the Most Dangerous Roads and Intersections in Mobile? Contact Lattof & Lattof, PC, Today

Do you need a knowledgeable attorney to help you fight for compensation after an accident on one of the most dangerous roads and intersections in Mobile, AL? If so, please do not hesitate to call Lattof & Lattof, PC. We are always available to use our years of experience in the industry to assist an injured motorist with their pursuit of damages.


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