Mobile Rollover Accident Attorney

Mobile Rollover Accident Attorney

Did you flip your car and sustain an injury in Mobile, Alabama? If so, you might be able to file a personal injury and recover compensation with the help of a knowledgeable Mobile rollover accident attorney from Lattof & Lattof, PC.

We have years of experience in the industry and are more than ready to go to battle for you. Contact our law firm to schedule a free consultation today.

The lawyers at Lattof & Lattof, PC, know what it takes to help Mobile residents recover compensation after rollover crashes. So, when you ask our law firm to assist you with your case, we will:

Accurately Assess Your Damages

Unfortunately, it is not at all unusual for victims of rollover crashes to underestimate the amount of medical treatment they will require and demand too little compensation from the other party.

These types of mistakes often result in them having to pay for some of their medical bills out of their own pocket.

At Lattof & Lattof, PC, we do not want our clients to have to dip into their bank accounts to cover their healthcare costs. So, when you hire us, we will thoroughly analyze and accurately assess your case to ensure that it is not undervalued.

During your rollover accident lawsuit, you will almost certainly have to answer some difficult questions. Your responses can have a huge bearing on the eventual outcome of your case. Making consistently intelligent decisions can substantially improve your odds of claiming the compensation you deserve.

When you work with Lattof & Lattof, PC, we will be more than happy to provide you with the advice and guidance you require to deal with these questions in a calm and considered manner. Our lawyers have been working on cases like yours for years, so we know what we are talking about.

Handle Your Administrative Workload

As you might expect, the process of claiming compensation after a car accident in the state of Alabama requires a lot of administrative work. From requesting evidence from third parties to corresponding with the other party’s insurer, the lists of tasks to complete can feel neverending.

Fortunately, when you enlist the services of Lattof & Lattof, PC, you won’t need to worry about filling out evidence requests or replying to emails. Our team of experienced attorneys and paralegals will be more than happy to handle it all on your behalf – freeing you to focus on your recovery.

Negotiate with the Other Party’s Insurance Company

During your legal battle, there is a good chance that the defendant’s insurer will reach out to offer you a settlement. However, the value of their opening proposal is likely to be quite low. To convince them to increase their offer, a period of negotiation may be necessary.

Having spent many years in the legal field, our car accident lawyers are well versed in the art of negotiating with tight-fisted insurance companies. We know the best tactics and techniques to use to try to persuade them to be more generous with their funds. When you hire us, we will use that knowledge to try to negotiate a fair deal on your behalf.

Do you want to have a knowledgeable and experienced personal injury attorney from Lattof & Lattof, PC, help you fight for damages? Then please do not hesitate to give us a call or contact us online as soon as possible. Our team is always ready to stand up for our friends and neighbors in the City of Mobile.

Common Causes of Rollover Accidents in Mobile, AL

Because of their dramatic nature, people often believe that rollover accidents are quite rare. In reality, they occur on a regular basis in Mobile and throughout Alabama. When they happen, one or more of the following factors is almost always to blame:

At Lattof & Lattof, PC, we have a long track record of success in auto accident cases. So, if you recently sustained an injury after your car rolled over, please give us a call to arrange a free consultation at our law office in Mobile, Alabama, today. We would love to help you fight for the compensation you deserve.

Common Injuries Sustained By Mobile Rollover Accident Victims

When the people of Mobile get into rollover motor vehicle accidents, they can suffer a wide range of injuries. Many of these injuries have the potential to cause them a great deal of pain and leave them with permanent disabilities or health challenges.

A short sampling of some of the injuries most commonly sustained by Mobile rollover accident victims would include:

The surgeries, drugs, and physical therapy sessions needed to treat these injuries can be extraordinarily expensive. It is not uncommon for rollover accident victims to leave the hospital with tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills.

When you need a lawyer to help you fight for compensation for your car accident injuries, you can always rely on Lattof & Lattof, PC. We have years of experience in the industry and are ready to go to bat for you. Reach out to us today to set up a free initial consultation at our law office in Mobile, AL.

Damages Available to Rollover Accident Victims in Mobile

When deciding the amount of compensation Mobile residents ought to receive for their rollover auto accidents, judges and insurers tend to consider factors such as:

  • The cost of their initial medical treatment
  • The expenses associated with their rehabilitative care
  • The length of time they missed from work
  • The impact their injury will have on their career
  • The cost to repair their car or truck
  • The effect their injury will have on their quality of life
  • The mental pain their injury forced them to endure

When Lattof & Lattof, PC, files a personal injury claim on behalf of a rollover car wreck victim, we demand compensation for their:

  • Medical bills
  • Ongoing healthcare costs
  • Property damage
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of future earning capacity
  • Mental anguish
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

When we file wrongful death suits on behalf of grieving families who lost loved ones in rollover car crashes, we pursue damages for their burial expenses as well as their loss of consortium.

Would you like to have a lawyer from Lattof & Lattof, PC, assess the value of your car accident claim? Then please give us a call or send us a message at your earliest convenience. We have been handling cases like yours for years, and we are ready to assist you in any way we can.

What If the Victim is Partially at Fault for the Accident?

In most states, the victims of car accidents can file suit against the responsible party, even if they hold a small portion of the blame for the collision. This concept is known as comparative negligence.

Unfortunately, Alabama is not one of the jurisdictions that allow this practice. The Yellowhammer State has a contributory negligence law on its books that forbids victims from claiming damages if they hold any responsibility for their crash. 

Is the defendant in your auto accident lawsuit alleging that you are partially at-fault for your injury? Then please contact Lattof & Lattof, PC, as soon as possible. Our experienced car accident attorneys may be able to help you disprove the other party’s false claims and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.

Statute of Limitations for Alabama Car Crash Lawsuits

Under Alabama Code § 6-2-38, the statute of limitations for almost all personal injury lawsuits in the Yellowhammer State is two years. In most instances, this two-year countdown begins on the date of the injury-causing accident.

The state of Alabama makes a notable exception to this general rule for children who suffer injuries in car accidents. Instead of having a two-year statute of limitations that begins on the day of their crash, they have a three-year window that starts on their 19th birthday. In other words, they can file suit at any time before they turn 22.

Would you like to have a member of our experienced legal team help you file your car accident suit before your statutory window closes? Then please do not hesitate to give us a call or send us a message online. We have the statutory knowledge and judicial skill necessary to handle your case.

Your Knowledgeable Rollover Accident Attorney in Mobile

If you need an attorney to help you fight for compensation after your rollover accident, you can rely on Lattof & Lattof, PC. Over the years, we have recovered untold sums of money on behalf of our clients in the City of Mobile – and we will work tirelessly to try to do the same for you. To set up a free consultation with a member of our team, all you need to do is pick up the phone and give us a call.


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